Hello Betty & Benny

Good to hear from you both and to see what a beautiful finished project you have achieved with your

home improvements.  Betty, I am sure you are waking up in the morning enjoying every minute of working

in such a beautiful kitchen.  Despite all the hard work involved you must be very pleased with such 

an exquisite environment to produce your wonderful cooking.

Yes, we have made a successful improvement with our conservatory - thanks to Winston's hard work - we
are extremely pleased with it.  Now that the sunny weather has finally arrived we are really enjoying the extended
view of the garden.

I am off tomorrow to visit Derren, Lehvashnee and baby Nenah to get some practice with nappy changing and
feeding.  Feeling a bit nervous, as its 30 years since the last time I looked after such a tiny baby.  Wish me luck.:-)

Look forward to seeing you both very soon.